Pregnancy Lifestyle
Consumption of drugs, alcohol and smoking can put your baby’s health in danger. It can lead to abnormality of the baby as well. The health of your teeth and gum also affects the development of the baby. Researches have proved that oral infection and poor health of the gum and teeth is a cause of pre-mature babies and low birth weights. So make an appointment with your dentist before you go ahead with the trial process of having a baby.
Infections of any kind should be avoided. Some infections can harm developing babies. Cat or dog litter and soil should be avoided because it causes infection called toxoplasmosis. Wash your hands frequently and avoid toxic substances like lead and mercury. Radiation of any kind can affect fertility. Avoid exposure to chemicals, fumes and solvents. If your doctor, say your dentist, advises you to have an X-ray, inform him and the technician that you are pregnant so that the radiation is within permissible levels and you are properly shielded during the X ray process. If you are working with animals then avoid sheep and cats.