
Meditation for Spiritual and Emotional Benefit

Spiritual and Emotional Benefit

Meditation not only improves the ‘spiritual self’ but also builds up emotional resilience.

Meditation has been around for a long, long time. For thousands of years it has been an integral part of all religions, especially Eastern religions. Hindu practices consider meditation and yoga as two sides of the same coin. Meditation includes yoga and, again, meditation is a definitive part of yoga. Through this practice, yogis calm their mind and concentrate, as calmness and inner peace is the precursor to perceiving the inner self. And spirituality is all about discovering the self. Meditation is the source and not the end result of that discovery. It’s like a key that can open the doors of spirituality.

It’s certain that meditation makes us aware of our inner self. It channels our awareness into a more positive direction. It’s about the realization of self, realization that ‘I AM’. It’s not about how we fit into the totality of this universe but rather it is the realization of our alignment with the universe. This realization of self makes it possible for us to calm the mind, to attain peace and be in harmony with self not only mentally but also physically.

Meditation is not just for spiritual benefit. There are many emotional benefits of meditation as well. Meditation increases your ability to stay calm in every situation, decreases nervousness and mood fluctuations. It gives you the feeling of unadulterated happiness and more emotional stability. This emotional stability can help you get the perspective to manage or deal with a crisis. You’ll feel ‘I can handle this’.

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