New Study Reveals 40% of US Cancer Cases Tied to Lifestyle Choices

New Study Reveals 40% of US Cancer Cases Tied to Lifestyle Choices

FAQs on New Study Reveals 40% of US Cancer Cases Tied to Lifestyle Choices

1. What are modifiable risk factors?

Modifiable risk factors are lifestyle and environmental factors that can be changed to reduce the risk of developing diseases, such as smoking, diet, and physical activity.

2. How does cigarette smoking contribute to cancer?

Cigarette smoking is a leading cause of cancer due to the carcinogenic chemicals in tobacco smoke, which damage DNA and promote tumor growth.

3. What role does excess body weight play in cancer risk?

Excess body weight is associated with inflammation, hormone imbalances, and insulin resistance, all of which can contribute to cancer development.

4. Can increasing physical activity really lower cancer risk?

Yes, regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, boosts the immune system, and reduces inflammation, lowering the risk of several types of cancer.

5. Why are vaccinations important in preventing cancer?

Vaccinations against viruses like HPV and HBV prevent infections that can lead to cancer, significantly reducing the incidence of related cancers.
