
Post Exercise Intake

Post Exercise Intake

Replenishment of the depleted carbohydrate store in the body, repair of the broken down muscles and recovery from the stress of the exercise is the prime goal.

Post intense weight training

Immediate replenishment through simple sugars such as glucose, juice or bananas is essential. Within half an hour of the high energy sugar dose, the muscle also requires the fastest possible supply of highest quality protein such as whey protein in water or egg whites. This combination immediately gives a boost to anabolism and muscle repair after the workout.

Post light-moderate weight training / cardio

Immediate replenishment with sugar is not required as the carbohydrate stores are not depleted.

After a morning workout complex carbohydrates such as whole grains or whole fruits should be chosen and after an evening workout a low-calorie carbohydrate- protein food such as sprouts, fistful of nuts and a whey protein shake should be picked.


Essentials of right eating when sweating out:

  • Meals to be had within 40 minutes before and after exercise. Longer gaps would lower energy levels
  • One should stay well hydrated during exercise by sipping a glass of water every 10 to 15 minutes
  • During intense exercise electrolytes should be added or beverages like lime juice and coconut water should be consumed
  • Supplement with antioxidants such as vitamin E, Vitamin C post exercise
  • One should never exercise on an empty stomach. In absence of carbohydrates the body will scavenge muscle for energy
  • No simple sugars (juices, biscuits, breads, bananas, sweet fruits) should be consumed before exercise. As they give you instant energy but do not last long
  • Avoid fat and fiber as they may be too heavy to digest before exercise. The pre and post exercise meals should be energizing but light. Chicken, fish, red meat should never be opted for
  • Do not rely on second class plant proteins from soya, pulses or nuts as they are limiting in the essential amino acid methionine required for muscle repair. Choose fiber and good quality fats from cereals, pulses, nuts, fruits and vegetables but get first class protein only from animal sources such as milk products and egg whites











