Retrain Your Brain to be Calm and Happy with These 8 Simple Habits

Retrain Your Brain to be Calm and Happy with These 8 Simple Habits


A happy and peaceful life is not a destination. It is a journey that we have set out on. Our daily habits help to pave this beautiful way to a peaceful and happier brain. Our brain is like a sponge that absorbs everything we encounter- thoughts, feelings and actions- the good and the bad. But here's the catch- what happens if we feed the brain with positive thoughts and actions every day?

It is very similar to bodybuilding. Like you train your body to be stronger, you can also train your brain to be calmer and happier. These daily habits will eventually rewire your brain and help you experience joy and peace in the middle of a busy life.

Did You Know?

Practising gratitude can boost serotonin levels in your brain. This feel-good neurotransmitter helps regulate your mood, making you feel happier! #brainboostinghabits #mindfulness

Top 8 Brain-Boosting Habits

Habits maketh a man! Here are 8 habits that can transform your daily life and give your brain the rest and happiness it deserves. So, are you ready to begin your journey to a happier and peaceful mind?


Practice Meditation to Calm Your Mind

Have you ever felt that your mind is always clouded with some or other thoughts, worries, or stress? Meditation could be the golden key to calm this chatter! It is an excellent approach to improve self-awareness and bring clarity to thoughts. Meditation helps relieve stress and increases happiness.

You do not have to meditate for hours together. Starting with as little as 10 minutes per day might also be beneficial. Just close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and let your thoughts settle. Consistent practice will allow your brain gradually to relax and deal with stress effectively(1 Trusted Source
Brief, daily meditation enhances attention, memory, mood, and emotional regulation in non-experienced meditators

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Be Grateful: There is Joy in Little Things

Gratitude can help rewire your brain for happiness. Yes, just focusing on things you are thankful for can change your brain's bias from negative to positive. Gratitude practices do not need to be extensive. Begin simply by writing down three things you are grateful for every morning. Recognizing these small joys, whether it is a nice cup of tea/coffee, a supportive buddy/colleague, or a sunny day, improves your mood and trains your brain to identify and focus on the positive in life(2 Trusted Source
The effects of gratitude interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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Exercise Regularly for Your Body and Mind

We all know the health benefits of exercise. Regular physical activity not only develops our body but also improves our mental health. During exercise, the body releases endorphins, which are natural chemicals that make you feel happy. Exercise also lowers cortisol, the stress hormone, which helps to improve the mood(3 Trusted Source
The effects of physical activity on cortisol and sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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). You do not need to be a gym rat to reap these benefits. A simple 30-minute stroll in the park, yoga, or even dancing around your living room can all help to improve your mental health.

Exercise Regularly For Your Brain

Develop Positive Relationships: Find Your Tribe

The people you spend most of your time with have a significant impact on the way you think and perceive life. Positive and meaningful interactions, whether with family, friends, or coworkers, can improve your overall mood and boost your happiness. Social connections have been shown to lower stress. They inculcate a sense of belonging and give purpose to our lives. This helps maintain a positive attitude about life. Take the time to foster the connections that bring joy to your life. Call or text a friend, spend time with loved ones, or meet new people who inspire and support you to grow and improve.


Learn the Art of Letting Go

Holding grudges or remorse builds negativity. It can clog your thoughts and deprive you of mental peace. Learning to let go is critical for training your brain to remain calm and happy. This does not mean you should forget what happened, but rather not let these negative feelings govern you anymore. When you clear your thoughts of hatred and negativity you make room for joy and abundance.

Be Mindful and Live in the Present

Have you ever caught yourself constantly worrying about the future or obsessing over the past? Amid all this, we forget to be happy in our present. To educate your brain for happiness, you must first learn to live in the present moment. Mindfulness can help with this. Focussing on the current moment, whether you are eating, walking, or talking to a friend or colleague. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations around you. Being aware teaches your brain to enjoy life's small moments and reduces stress.

Say No to Negativity

Negativity is contagious- whether it is bad news, toxic people, or self-critical thoughts- all have a bad impact on your mood and steal your peace of mind. Setting boundaries will help safeguard your mental space. This could include limiting your time on social media, restricting your exposure to negative news, or avoiding people who sap your energy. Surround yourself with optimism. It allows the brain to concentrate on growth and development.

Prioritize Good Sleep for a Calm Mind

Sleep is your brain's reset button(4 Trusted Source
How Sleep Clears the Brain

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). Poor sleep can lead to a lack of focus, tension, irritation, and worry. Prioritize getting enough sleep every night- for most adults, 7 to 9 hours does the trick. Create a calming nighttime routine by avoiding screentime for 30 minutes before bed, keeping your bedroom cold and dark, and practising relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. A well-rested brain is able to think clearly and is better able to handle stress.
