
Practice of Walking


Now that we realize the unbeatable health benefits of walking, let’s realistically visualize how we can incorporate walking into our daily life. For acquiring the taste of walking, we must decide why we need to walk. Schedule a time for walking on a regular basis. Identify a favorite and comfortable place to walk. Walking and music is a great combination. It can actually take us from a highly tense state to a relaxed state of mind.

If you cannot walk to work, why not park your car a little further than usual and walk down the remaining distance to your work. Walk your dog daily. It’s good for you as well as your pet. Take a stroll outside in your office campus post lunch or post tea. Spend your Sundays either going to a park, or going out for a shopping or else fix up a sports match with your friends.

But you need to take safeguard yourself while walking as a daily routine. You need to protect yourself from:

  • being hit by a vehicle;
  • being assaulted by a lunatic, robber, or rapist; and
  • being attacked or bitten by a dog, insect, or snake.

Therefore you need to be cautious to deter attacks while walking. Following are some precautions you can take -

  • Try not to go out at night or very early in the morning on a lonely lane.
  • Don't go out in poorly lighted or deserted areas.
  • Walk on footpaths or in parks and be careful of the traffic.
  • Don't walk near dark doorways.
  • Do not wear any expensive jewelry or accessories.
  • Do not wear dual headphones – you need to be aware of your surroundings.
  • Keep a cell phone. Call the police if someone is following you.
  • Keep protective devices such as pepper spray. They come in handy when warding off an attacker.
  • Always carry at least one ID-card.

Walking is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to maintain your physical fitness. Before starting a vigorous walking program, consult a doctor for any chronic medical condition or for necessary precautions if you have had a recent injury. Be conscious of your heart rate and breathing. Walk at a pace that elevates your heart rate to a tolerable limit.

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