Make Time for Walking
The most popular excuse for not exercising consistently is the lack of time. We have time for everything else starting from drinking, eating and gossiping, but we always fail to find time for exercising. However, with a walking regimen, you don’t need to set aside two or three precious hours from your jam-packed schedule. You can sneak in your fitness regime at any time of the day. Simple examples include – parking your car further away from your place of work and walking to your destination. Walking down to the market place instead of taking a bus or car. If you work on the 3rd or 4th floor don’t use the elevator, take instead the stairs. You will not only burn the calories but also tone up your leg your leg muscles. If you live in a house that has a garden or a roof - you can do a brisk 15 minutes walk.
The tradition of walking is also associated with holy places. One of the best sights is when I visit temples and see people going round in circles, multiple times, paying their daily dues to god and praying for their own welfare. Maybe this tradition first evolved to keep the pilgrims fit. Similarly if you look at the climb to the hills be it Kedarnath, Vaishnav Devi, Tirupathi, Devghar, Baba dham, Sabrimalai - it is all about walking as an endurance to please the gods. The same ‘parikrama’ is followed by Muslims when they go for their holy visit to Mecca or Medina where walking is essential part of the homage. So walking pleases the god almighty too so schedule it in your daily routine or start visiting holy places.