Want to Quit Smoking? Try these Healthy Tips

Want to Quit Smoking? Try these Healthy Tips


Making the decision to quit smoking is a significant step towards a healthier life. However, breaking the habit can be challenging. Fortunately, research from the National Institutes of Health suggests that replacing smoking with new, healthy routines can be an effective strategy. Explore practical approaches to changing the smoking habit by altering the environment, finding new rewards, and developing healthier routines (1 Trusted Source
Smoking reduction interventions for smoking cessation

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Put Yourself in a Different Environment

Studies conducted by Duke University psychology professor Wendy Wood emphasize the influence of environmental cues on behavior. When a habit is associated with a particular place, individuals tend to repeat the habit, even when they don't want to, if they are in that environment. Smokers looking to quit can benefit from Wood's advice by changing their usual smoking locations. By avoiding these places and choosing alternative environments, such as the gym, individuals can increase their chances of sustaining new behaviors over time.

Try these easy home remedies to quit smoking

Find a New Reward

Habit guru Charles Duhigg, author of "The Power of Habit," identifies three elements of habits: a cue, a routine sequence of actions, and a reward. To change the smoking habit, understanding and altering the cues that trigger the behavior is crucial. For example, if socializing with smokers during break time triggers the routine of smoking, the reward is social time and the nicotine rush. Quitting smokers can replace this cue, routine, and reward system by finding new ways to socialize, such as taking a brisk walk with a nonsmoking friend during break time.

New Activities and Routine

Smoking is often intertwined with various daily activities and routines, making it a challenging habit to break. Developing new routines that aren't automatically associated with smoking is essential. This involves shaking up daily habits, such as changing the location of meals or engaging in alternative activities before or after typical smoking times. Building healthier habits that are not linked to smoking helps reinforce the decision to quit and sets the stage for long-term success.

Divert from Smoking

Smoking can be overcome systemically. Read more to know

Try these alternatives when you feel like taking a puff

  1. Consume a glass of water to hydrate and distract from cravings.
  2. Enjoy a dill pickle as a flavorful alternative to smoking.
  3. Suck on a piece of tangy candy for a burst of taste and diversion.
  4. Indulge in a popsicle or freeze grapes for a refreshing frozen treat.
  5. Prioritize oral hygiene by flossing and brushing your teeth to reset your focus.
  6. Chew gum to satisfy the oral fixation associated with smoking.
  7. Treat yourself to a hot fudge sundae for a sweet and satisfying reward.
  8. Whistle or hum for five minutes to shift your attention positively.
  9. Enhance your mood by practicing smiling in front of a mirror, releasing feel-good endorphins.
  10. Incorporate physical activity with three sets of ten jumping jacks.

Persist and Stay Dedicated

Quitting smoking may involve dealing with temporary withdrawal symptoms, but the rewards of healthier habits far outweigh the challenges. The benefits include breathing fresh air, experiencing an invigorated feeling from exercise, and dedicating more time to family and friends. Staying dedicated to building and maintaining these new, healthier habits is key to overcoming the physical and psychological aspects of quitting smoking. Consider discussing nicotine replacement therapy or other medications with a doctor to ease withdrawal symptoms and enhance the chances of success in the journey to a smoke-free life.

By adopting these strategies, you can effectively divert your focus from smoking, paving the way for a smoke-free and healthier lifestyle. Remember, the rewards of quitting far exceed the temporary challenges of overcoming nicotine addiction. Stay dedicated, and the benefits will become increasingly evident in the long run.









