
Who Else Wants to Know How Walking Helps Heart and Brain?


Have you been on a stroll recently? Took your pet for walk? Then it’s a thumbs up to your brain and heart! Mild exercising is a proven method to keep many chronic diseases at bay and make you fit and healthy.

Walking is a great way to boost your mental and physical health. It has been shown to have some really effective benefits on increasing brain power and for maintaining heart health. Studies have confirmed that brisk walking for 120-150 min in a week help older people to reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Walking: A Simple Way To Healthy Mind And Body

Walking can do wonders; find what the walking benefits for health are:

  • Walking for heart health: If you don’t want to run then better walk. Walking helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes to a large extent. Moderate intensity walk is considered as good as running in terms of protecting against heart problems like coronary heart disease and heart stroke. This form of mild exercise makes the heart to pump more blood regulating blood flow and making it healthier. People who walked for 30 minutes Daily Can Control Irregular Heartbeat in Obese People a day were considered healthier and had less chances of developing heart diseases than those who had a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Exercise helps your brain: How to improve your brain power is a question of demand among older people who suffer aging issues and depleting mental health. To them walking could be the answer. Walking is found to enhance mental activities and improve cognitive functions of the body. A study on people with mild cognitive impairment found that people who did light exercises like walking and practiced certain brain improvement games were found to improve their cognitive abilities and less likely developed Alzheimer’s. Also persons involved in brain training games regularly and did brisk walking for about 150 minutes per week were found to improve their clinical dementia ratings. Walking helps depression, improves quality of life and overall mental health.
Walking Enhances Brain Power
  • Walking reduces risk of osteoporosis: Today most women suffer from low bone calcium density and osteoporosis. Walking helps in reducing osteoporosis symptoms by making bones much stronger and healthier. It can help in restoring the bone and muscular movement thus relieving pain. Women who regularly walk are less likely to develop osteoporosis in the later age and are more physically active at old age too.
  • Maintain body weight: Walking helps in maintaining body weight and control obesity. Regular brisk walk for 20-30 minutes is good exercise to reduce weight and keep your body in shape. If you are unable to do any other exercise or do not want to follow any weight loss diet then walking daily can solve your increased weight issues considerably.
Walking Helps to Maintain Body Weight
  • Walking keeps cancer away: Walking reduce the risk of developing breast and colon cancer. Regular walking ensures proper bowel movement that keeps the gut healthy and thus reduces the risk of developing colon cancer. Also it reduces the chances of breast cancer as the body immunity and antioxidant flow is enhanced by physical activity that eradicates the carcinogenic elements from the body.

Walk Towards a Healthier You!

  • Walk, whenever you get a chance.
  • Do a little floor mopping, dance or take the staircase instead of elevators as a substitute to walking.
  • Go for a trek on weekend or plan a camping picnic.
  • Girls, go out and window shop in the mall! This will keep your spirits as well as your health happy.
  • Take a walk on the beach.
  • Working out on a treadmill can also prove beneficial.
  • Make a walking group and start walking every day.

Walking is one of the easiest modes of exercise without much effort. Regular walking could help in lowering symptoms of numerous medical conditions and keep your body devoid of various chronic diseases. Increase the time and pace of walking step by step, starting from 10 min daily to increasing up to 30 min per day in 2-3 weeks. Do it as much you can without fatigue and tiredness felt.

Make walking your regular exercise regime and help your heart and brain.

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