Why Head and Neck Cancers Are Rising Among Young Indians

Why Head and Neck Cancers Are Rising Among Young Indians

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the common symptoms of head and neck cancer?
Persistent sore throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, unexplained weight loss, lumps in the neck, and ear pain.

2. What are the primary risk factors for head and neck cancer?
Tobacco use, alcohol consumption, HPV infection, poor oral hygiene, and exposure to certain chemicals.

3. Can quitting smoking and drinking reduce the risk of head and neck cancer?
Yes, quitting significantly reduces the risk but does not eliminate it entirely due to permanent damage.

4. Is vaping a safe alternative to smoking?
No, vaping is not completely safe and can lead to lung and brain damage, and potentially cancer.

5. How can head and neck cancers be prevented?
Avoiding tobacco and alcohol, practicing safe sex, maintaining good oral hygiene, and regular health check-ups can help prevent these cancers.
