
Appendectomy / Appendecetomy - Frequently Asked Questions

Appendectomy - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Doctor ( or specialist) should I see if I Have appendicitis and need surgery?

You would need to see a General Surgeon

2. What is the appendix?

It is a worm like closed tube attached to the intestine. Its function is not known.

3. What is appendicitis?

It is the inflammation of the appendix. If the inflammation and infection spread through the wall of the appendix, the appendix can rupture. After rupture, infection can spread throughout the abdomen causing serious illness to the body.

4. How do I know I have appendicitis?

The most common symptoms of appendicitis are pain, fever, and abdominal tenderness.

5. What is Peritonitis?

Inflammation of lining of the abdomen is called as peritonitis. If appendicitis is left unattended to, the infection in the appendix can spread to the entire abdomen, resulting in peritonitis. This is more common in children and elderly.

6. When can I start normal activities?

Rest is usually short and most patients leave the hospital in one to three days after the operation. Normal activities can be resumed within one to three weeks after leaving the hospital.

7. Which surgery is better- Open or Laparoscopy?

This depends on the experience of the operating surgeon and the degree of inflammation of appendix. A surgeon experienced in laparoscopy may prefer doing the surgery using the camera. The advantage of this procedure is that there is minimal cuts involved. This means that the recovery is quicker and the post-operative pain is less. The surgical removal of appendix itself is similar as in open procedure. The stay in the hospital is also shorter. Usually, an overnight stay is adequate.

8. When do I see the doctor after discharge?

You have to see your doctor on the post-operative check up day, as scheduled by him.

You should consult him immediately if you have
  1. Persistent fever (over 101 degrees F 39 C) 
  2. Bleeding
  3. Increasing abdominal swelling
  4. Pain that is not relieved by your medications
  5. Persistent nausea or vomiting
  6. Chills
  7. Persistent cough or shortness of breath
  8. Purulent drainage (pus) from any incision
  9. Redness surrounding the incision area that is worsening or getting bigger
  10. You are unable to eat or drink liquids











