
Breast Reduction Surgery - Indications


Being "busty," or having large breasts can sometimes be envious but for the women concerned it can be the cause of emotional as well as a physical dissatisfaction.

Often the big busts girls get stared at and feel a lot of embarrassment. They often wear loose or oversized dress.

Enlarged breast or hypertrophy of the breast occurs most commonly in young girls or in lactating mothers. The usual indications for breast reduction surgery are as follows-

  • 'Virginal hypertrophy'- enlargement occurring in teenage or younger girls,
  • Breast hypertrophy following breast-feeding in a woman of childbearing
  • Men who have enlargement of one or both breasts may seek this operation as well.

Breast enlargement can be cosmetically unappealing and sometimes can lower the self image of a young girl or women and hence they may seek this surgery to improve their self-esteem. At other times the discomfort may be the reason that they seek surgery.

If this surgery is performed at an early age such as 14 years the parents and the child would need to understand that she may require an additional procedure at a later stage in life.


Many girls and women with large breasts do not find the right bra that they can wear to help them reduce their discomfort. A borderline case can be managed without surgery if they are guided to wear special well fitting bra. For example sports bra offer much more support than an ordinary bra.

A lot of guys think the larger a woman's breasts are, the less intelligent she is.  I don't think it works like that.  I think it's the opposite.  I think the larger a woman's breasts are, the less intelligent the men become.  ~Anita Wise
