
Dilatation and Curettage - D&C and Beyond

Dilatation and Curettage - D&C and Beyond

Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) is a life saving procedure to control the abnormal bleeding after a spontaneous or incomplete abortion.

In general, the number of D&Cs being performed has declined over the years. This procedure is no longer done to regulate abnormal bleeding patterns in women. Most of these problems are now managed with hormone-based medications. Ultrasound is, likewise, playing a greater role in helping to evaluate the uterus without surgery.


Procedures, such as endometrial pipelle biopsy, that remove a deeper layer of the womb lining, seem to be more effective and are often used as an alternative to D&C, particularly with women who have suspected endometrial cancer. But where indicated, like for example, after an incomplete abortion, it is definitely life saving.

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