
Early vs Late Tracheostomy - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctor should I go for the tracheostomy procedure?

An otolaryngology or ENT specialist can do the tracheostomy procedure.

2. Why is a tracheostomy needed?

A tracheostomy is needed when a patient is in respiratory distress/failure. It is usually done when the lungs do not receive sufficient air.

3. Who are the people who might need a tracheostomy?

Any person with a critical illnesses affecting respiration might need a tracheostomy. Some of the critical illnesses include chronic pulmonary disorders, throat or other cancers affecting breathing, vocal cord paralysis (VCP), laryngeal injuries, congenital abnormalities in the airway, disorders like Treacher Collins and Pierre Robin Syndromes, neuromuscular diseases, spinal injuries and long-term coma.

4. What is mechanical ventilation?

In the medical context, mechanical ventilation is a process of mechanically assisting or replacing natural breathing. This may be done with the aid of a machine known as ventilator.

5. What is intubation?

Intubation or tracheal intubation is the process of placing a flexible plastic pipe into the windpipe (trachea) to allow for an open airway for breathing or administering drugs. It is usually necessary for critically ill patients who are unable to breathe on their own and require artificial respiratory support.
