
Hysterectomy - FAQs

Hysterectomy - FAQs

1. Who performs a hysterectomy?

A gynecologist performs a hysterectomy.

2. Will I still menstruate after I have a hysterectomy?

After a hysterectomy you will no longer menstruate or be able to conceive, but you will still be able to engage in sexual activities.

3. Can having a hysterectomy affect my sexuality?

Different women experience sexuality differently. For some women, a hysterectomy may change their sexual experience. For other women, hysterectomy will not affect their sexual enjoyment. However, if your uterus is causing you to have pain with intercourse, a hysterectomy may relieve that pain and make intercourse more pleasurable.

4. When are the sutures removed after a hysterectomy?

For women who have had an abdominal hysterectomy, the clips or stitches that seal the incision will be removed on around the fifth to seventh day after the operation. Stitches used for a vaginal hysterectomy are internal and don't need to be removed.

5. What are the alternatives to hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy may be the only effective treatment for certain types of cancer. However, some conditions may have other treatment options. For example, excessively heavy and painful periods can also be treated with medicines, hormones, or by relatively minor surgical procedures to remove part of the lining of the womb using heat or microwave energy (endometrial ablation).

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