
Hysterectomy - Indications

Hysterectomy - Indications

The most common reason for a hysterectomy is fibroid tumors growing in the muscle of the uterus, which can sometimes cause heavy bleeding and pain.

Hysterectomy may be recommended for:

  •  Endometrial cancer, which is cancer that starts in the endometrium- the inner lining of the uterus
  •  Cancer of the cervix or severe cervical dysplasia - a precancerous condition of the cervix
  •  Cancer of the ovary
  •  Endometriosis happens when the tissue lining the inside of the uterus grows outside the uterus on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other pelvic or abdominal organs. When medication and surgery fails to cure endometriosis, a hysterectomy is often recommended.
  • Persistent vaginal bleeding. If the periods are persistently heavy, not regular, or lasts for many days and medication does not help to control the bleeding, a hysterectomy may bring relief.
  • Moderate or Severe Prolapse of the Uterus - when the uterus moves from its usual place down into the vagina. This can lead to urinary problems, pelvic pressure, or difficulty with bowel movements
  •  Complications during childbirth (like uncontrollable bleeding)

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