
Incisional Hernias - Incidence

Incisional Hernias - Incidence

Incisional hernias are more likely to occur in people who have had multiple abdominal operations, those who have chronic cough or if they are over-weight or pregnant.

This occurs after 2-10% of all abdominal surgeries, although some people are more at risk. The rate of incisional hernia occurrence can be as high as 13% with some abdominal surgeries.

Men, women, and children of all ages and ethnic backgrounds may develop an incisional hernia after an abdominal surgery. They occur more commonly among adults than among children.

After surgical repair, incisional hernias have a high rate of recurring or returning. It is almost as high as 20-45%.

The incidence is also higher if there is wound infection immediately after surgery.

In the past, material that was used to close the abdominal incision was of the absorbable nature and the rate of such hernias was higher. However, now synthetic, non-absorbable suture material is used and the rate has come down.

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