
Incisional Hernias - Recurrent hernia

Incisional Hernias - Recurrent hernia

A recurrent hernia is one that occurs at the site of a previous hernia repair.

The risk of recurrence is greater with obese patients or those who have had multiple earlier operations or the prior placement of mesh patches.

Some of the factors that cause incisional hernias to occur in the first place, such as obesity and nutritional disorders, will persist in certain patients and encourage the development of a second incisional hernia and repeat surgery.

The risk of complications has been shown to be about 13%.

Each subsequent time, the surgery will become more difficult and the risk of complications greater.

Postoperative infection is higher with open procedures than with laparoscopic procedures.

To prevent recurrence of hernia a few precautions maybe advised–

  • Using an abdominal corset in the early post-operative period
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Treating any chronic cough before treating hernia,
  • Avoid straining during bowel movement or passing urine.

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