Incisional Hernias - About
Incisional hernia in the abdomen is due to weakness of the wall of the surgical scar and leads to protrusion of the intestine.
"A surgeon can do more for the community by operating on hernia cases and seeing that his recurrence rate is low than he can by operating on cases of malignant disease"
Sir Cecil Wakely-
President: Royal College of Surgeons (Eng) 1948
Incisional hernias can range in size from very small to large and complex and appear as a bulge at or near the area of a previous surgical scar. Nearly any prior abdominal operation can develop an incisional hernia, however they most frequently occur along incisions running down from the breastbone to the pubic area.
These hernias may occur after large surgeries such as intestinal or vascular (large arteries, and veins) surgery, or after smaller surgeries such as an appendectomy or an even through the small scar of a laparoscopy wound.
Surgical correction of Incisional hernias is usually recommended, as they carry a potential risk of becoming strangulated at the opening in the abdominal wall and having their blood supply cut off. If this happens it becomes a medical and surgical emergency.
It is especially advised that these hernias be repaired via a TENSION FREE repair method. If the defect is very small, it may be closed with strong non-absorbable sutures. If the hernia defect is larger, it should be closed with a piece of synthetic mesh as incisional hernias have a high rate of recurrence if repaired under tension.