Oophorectomy-Pre-operative Preparations
Before surgery, the doctor may order blood and urine tests, and any additional tests such as ultrasound or x rays to help the surgeon visualize the woman's condition. The woman may also meet with the anesthesiologist to evaluate any special conditions that might affect the administration of anesthesia. A colon preparation may be done, if extensive surgery is anticipated.
It is recommended that the patient take nothing by mouth (food, water, etc.) for at least 6 hours before the scheduled operation or after midnight, if the operation is planned for the morning.
- Â Painkillers and antibiotics may be prescribed before the procedure.
- Â A sedative maybe useful to relieve the anxiety of surgery.
- Â The pubic and genital area may be shaved and prepared for the surgery.
- Â Before surgery or during the previous night a bath maybe advisable. While bathing thorough cleaning of the abdominal and genital area with soap and water a few times can help in lowering the bacterial count and lessen the chances of any infection from surgery.
- Â An enema maybe administered to the patient prior to performing the surgery. Sometimes a laxative maybe given to clear the bowels prior to the surgery.
On the evening before the operation a light easily digestible meal is advised.