Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which Doctor Should I Consult for Pneumonectomy?A thoracic surgeon (also known as the cardiothoracic surgeon), who specializes in surgery of the chest which includes lungs, heart, blood vessels etc., should be consulted for pneumonectomy.
2. Can I Breathe and Function Normally If One of My Lungs is Removed?
People who have only one lung can live normal, productive lives without shortness of breath or other symptoms. After surgery, following a regular exercise program which is recommended by your doctor and eating well will help you to return to normal life quickly.
3. How Long Will I Take to Recover from Pneumonectomy?
Recovery for the first few days after pneumonectomy is usually in the ICU. Breathing with the help of a respirator is usually required for a day or two after the surgery. Drainage tubes are removed after few days. Recovery is slow and patients could return to work after about 8 weeks without the use of assisted oxygen in most cases.