
Septoplasty - Anatomy And Physiology

Septoplasty - Anatomy And Physiology

  • The nasal septum is the wall dividing the nasal cavity into halves.
  • The septum usually lies directly in the centre of the nose.
  • It separates the left and right sides of the nose into passageways of equal size and rests on a bony ridge called the maxillary crest
  • It is made up of a central supporting skeleton covered on each side by mucous membrane.
  • The front portion of this natural partition is a firm structure made mostly of cartilage and is covered by skin that has plenty of blood vessels
  • A "deviated septum" occurs when the septum is severely shifted away from the midline.
  • There are three pairs of sinuses (called maxillary, frontal & ethamoid) that open into the nasal passage. These sinuses secrete mucus fluid that usually drains into the nose. However a deviated septum, along with the swollen soft tissue structures hanging next to the septum (turbinates) may cause a blockage of the normal breathing passageway, and it could lead to inflammation of sinuses that is known as sinusitis.
