
Septoplasty - Post Operative Period Do's & Don'ts

Post Operative Period - Do's & Don'ts

As this is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, there is no hospital stay.

But sometimes stay might be required if the operation is conducted in the afternoon or if full recovery from the general anaesthesia does not take place an overnight stay might be required.

Splints or packs are placed in the nose for a few days, this Helps prevent bleeding from the nostrils.

Has a small straw that allows the patient to breathe from the nose Makes swallowing much easier.

Keeps the septum straight while it heals.

Elevation of the head and resting in a recliner or using two or three pillows while sleeping helps in reducing bleeding & swelling.

Taking a shower with lukewarm (not hot) water and an attendant should always be at hand as sudden feeling of drowsiness and fainting can occur.


Some bleeding can be expected for two to three days after surgery.

Keep changing the drip pad as needed

Keep the nostril clean.

Cleaning the dried blood and secretions from the nostrils can be done usually with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Do not blow the nose for at least 10days after surgery.

Do not sneeze through the nose, to avoid risk of bleeding.

After the removal of splints or packs the patient will be advised to Keep nostrils moist for first five days with Oxymetazoline hydrochloride 2-3 times daily for first five days Subsequently the patient will be asked to use saline sprays 6-8 times a day to keep the mucosa moist and free of crust.
