
Septoplasty - Pre-Operative Procedures

Septoplasty - Pre-Operative Procedures

The patient should not eat or drink for 6-8 hours before the surgery.

It is advisable to inform and check with the doctor about any regular medication being taken, if necessary they should be taken with a minimal sip of water. (No Juice or other liquids).

Patient has to make sure that they do not take any medications containing Aspirin at least 5-7 days before the surgery.

If the patient is a smoker then he should stop smoking from the time the surgery has been decided. Smoke irritates the nasal passages and causes coughing that might result in bleeding for several days after the operation. It is also a contraindication for undergoing the surgery with General Anaesthesia.

Routine tests done before the surgeries are

  1. Blood tests
  2. X-Ray Chest (very important if patient over 45 yrs, smoker, or history of heart/lung disease)
  3. ECG

The patient is given a consent form, which would explain the procedure, the medication given and the risks involved.

Dentures, rings, chains, or any metal objects on the body should be removed and given to the relative or attendants.

If an over night stay is required in the hospital then the patient should take clothes for changing and toilet items.

If there are any allergies to drugs like penicillin, sulpha or any other drugs it must be informed to the doctor.
