
Septoplasty - Surgery

Septoplasty - Surgery

  • The basic principle in a Septoplasty is to straighten the crooked portions of the septum.
  • The surgery can be done under a local or a general anaesthetic.
  • It is usually done on an outpatient basis.
  • The operation is almost always done through the nose, without an external incision, a small incision is made inside the nose.
  • Before surgery, the doctor may use a thin, lighted instrument (endoscope) to look at the nasal passage behind the deviated septum.
  • To repair the septum, the surgeon works through the nostrils, making an incision to separate the mucosa from the underlying cartilage and bone.
  • Badly deviated portions of the septum may be removed entirely, or they may be removed, readjusted, and reinserted into the nose.
  • The mucosa is then replaced over the cartilage and bone.
  • There is almost never any bruising on the skin of the nose after Septoplasty.
