
Preparing the patient for anesthesia and surgery

Preparing the patient for anesthesia and surgery 

  •  Aspirin and Ibuprofen products should not be given for at least 2 weeks before operation.
  • It is important to notify the doctor if the child/patient has personal or family history of bleeding tendencies.
  • Blood testing is not routinely done in children before surgery unless there are special medical circumstances.
  • Generally, 8-10 hrs before to the operation, no food or liquids may be taken by mouth, including chewing gum, mouthwashes, throat lozenges, toothpaste, water. Anything in the stomach may be vomited when anesthesia is induced. However this is dangerous. Depending on the age of the child, a clear liquid such as water or fruit juice may be given until 4-5 hrs before.
  • If it's a child it is important to reassure and also tell him off the possibilities of a sore throat even after surgery for a couple of days.
  • The surgery is usually done under either general or local anesthesia.
  • Give children a lot of support and assistance and be there for them emotionally and physically.
