
Tubectomy - Glossary


Cannula: A hollow tube

Conception: The creation of a new human life through the union of egg and sperm. Sometimes referred to as fertilization

Contraception: The practice of using drugs, procedures or devices intended to prevent conception

Ectopic Pregnancy: Pregnancies that occur outside the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies generally occur inside the Fallopian tube and are life-endangering to the mother

Fallopian Tube: The tubes that conduct the egg from the ovary to the uterus. Blockages in these tubes account for most cases of female infertility. Surgical sterilization is usually performed by cutting, burning, or tying off these tubes

Fertilization: The penetration of an oocyte by a sperm cell and the subsequent process of the combining of maternal and paternal DNA. The formation of an embryo

Hysterosalpingogram: Study of the female reproductive tract via X-rays and the injection of radio-opaque material to make the organs more visible to the operator

Hysteroscopy: The inspection of the uterus with a small lighted television device called a Hysteroscope

Laparoscopy: Examination of one or more organs in the pelvic region by means of a small-lighted television device known as a laparoscope

Menstruation: Beginning of the menstrual cycle, where the lining of the uterus is sloughed off and discharged

Ova: The woman's egg or gamete. Plural: ovum

Ovary: The female reproductive organs that store the ovum, or eggs

Postpartum: After birth

Sterilization: A surgical or chemically induced procedure that permanently or temporarily ends fertility in the male or female

Tubal Cautery: Sterilization of the Fallopian tubes by burning them

Tubal Ligation: The tying-off of the Fallopian tubes during a female sterilization procedure

Uterus: Muscular female organ within which the preborn child grows. Often referred to as the womb
