Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Uterine Fibroid Embolization - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctor should I consult to undergo an uterine fibroid embolization (UFE)?

You need to consult your gynecologist, who will then refer you to an interventional Radiologist.

2. Is uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) a painful procedure?

UFE is a minimally invasive procedure. The pain and discomfort due to an UFE procedure is much less compared to a normal surgical procedure.

3. Are the particles injected during the procedure toxic?

The particles used for UFE are polyvinyl alcohol particles. They are inert in nature and harmless. They disintegrate over a period of time.

4. Can the particle be injected into the wrong vessel?

Though rare, it is possible for the particle to be injected into the wrong vessel instead of the uterine artery. This occurs due to lack of experience of the doctor performing the procedure and therefore it is important to establish the credentials of the interventional radiologist performing the procedure.

5. Is it possible that all the fibroids may not be killed during the procedure?

Again this is possible, though rare. A possible cause for failure to kill all fibroids is that insufficient particles were injected into the parent vessel.

6. Will my fibroids recur following embolization?

New fibroids can form but recurrence of fibroids that has been embolized is rare and maybe related to the failure to completely embolize the fibroids fully. If this occurred, the procedure might be repeated.

7. When can I resume normal activities after an UFE?

In case of small fibroids, the patient may resume light work in a week; for larger fibroids, minimum two weeks rest is essential. If the patient has a physically demanding job, 3 weeks rest may be appropriate.

8. Is there any other procedure for removal of fibroids while preserving the uterus?

Yes, myomectomy or removal of fibroid is a surgical procedure to remove the fibroids while preserving the uterus.

9. Can I become pregnant following uterine fibroid embolization?

As a rule, UFE is not preferred for women who wish to become pregnant. The data and statistics regarding fertility or how future pregnancies might be affected are insufficient. However, many women have reported successful term pregnancies following UFE.

10. Is UFE a very new procedure in the treatment of fibroids?

UFE is a fairly recent procedure in comparison to the surgical options. However, it has been approved by the Colleges of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Radiology in the UK and in the USA and by NICE in the UK. In fact, the first embolization procedure was performed by a French neuroradiologist in 1986.

11. Will my sex life be affected following UFE?

Follow ups of patients short and long term have not shown any adverse effects of UFE on sex life.

12. What actually happens to the fibroids following UFE?

They are converted within the uterus to harmless balls of scar tissue. UFE has been found to

be curative in over 95% of cases followed up after UFE.

13. How much will an UFE cost?

In the US, an uterine artery embolization costs about US $ 48,000. In India, it costs about Rs.100,000.











