2700 BC | Shen Nung the second Chinese emperor who had tested the effects of 300 drugs on himself and has explained the narcotic properties of the Kemp plant. |
1350 BC | The soporific and aphrodisiac properties of the mandrake were well known among the Egyptian Pharaohs. |
77 AD | Dioscorides Pedanius a Greek physician in his fourth book of Materia Medica has gives details about the various substances that induces anesthesia. He coined the term anesthesia meaning lack of sensation in Greek. |
1037 | Avicenna an Iranian philosopher and physician said that the most powerful stupefacient is opium |
1460 | Heinrich von Pfolsprundt, a German military surgeon was the first to give an account of the soporific sponge (a recipe that suppresses sensation of pain) used in the treatment of gunshots. |
1665 | Sir Christopher Wren an English Architect with the help of Robert Boyle was the first to infuse opium and perform intravenousanesthesia in dogs. |
1765 | Matthew Turner an English chemist and surgeon was the first person to produce and sell ether. He recommended inhalation of sulfuric ether as a treatment for headaches. |
1772 | Joseph Priestley an English chemist discovered nitrous oxide. |
1786 | Cornelius Celsus described in detail about the preparation of the anodyne pills in the 46th edition of the Roman encyclopedia. |
1817 | Friedrich Serturner a German apothecary coined the term morphine and also elucidated the narcotic properties of opium. |
1834 | Jean Baptiste Dumas a French chemist unraveled the chemical structure and coined the term chloroform. |
1847 | Marie Jean Pierre Flourens and Francois-Achille Longet reported the effects and mode of action of ether on the central nervous system. |
1847 | Sir James Young Simpson a Scottish physician introduced chloroform as an anesthetic agent during childbirth. Chloroform was first used on Queen Victoria, during her eighth delivery. |
1847 | Edward H. Barton at Vera Cruz, Mexico was the first to use sulfuric ether as the anesthetic agent for a leg amputation during wartime. |
1856 | John Snow, an English physician designed the chloroform inhaler, which delivered the anesthetic agent at optimum levels. He was the first to perform endotracheal anesthesia on a rabbit. |
1860 | Etienne Jules Marey a French physician discovered the sphygmographe. This device helped to record the pulse form on the forearm. |
1870 | Joseph T Clover an English surgeon improved the techniques of gas delivery and cautioned the physicians to monitor the vital signs. |
1875 | Claude Bernard a French physiologist Discovered the nerve muscle blocking action and the introduced the use of mixed anesthesia. |
1878 | Paul Bert the French physiologist along with the American surgeon Edmund W Andrews introduced nitrous oxide in Anesthesiology. |
1907 | Frederick J. Cotton and Walter M. Boothby invented an apparatus for the delivery of nitrous oxide, ether and oxygen. |
1908 | A.D Waller designs the chloroform balance, which determines the concentration of the vapor, received by the patient. |
1910 | Lincoln F. Sise invented the apparatus “introducer” for insertion of lumbar puncture needles. |
1936 | American society of Anesthetist was founded. |