Cervix - Neck like structure, opening towards the uterus.Conception - The onset of pregnancy.
Ejaculation - The release of semen through the penis during orgasm.
Embryo - Having to do with an early stage in the development of a plant or an animal. In vertebrate animals, this stage lasts from shortly after fertilization until all major body parts appear. In particular, in humans, this stage lasts from about 2 weeks after fertilization until the end of the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy.
Endometrium - This is the mucous membrane comprising the inner layer of the utrine wall.
Fallopian tubes - Structures between the ovaries and the uterus through which the egg travels to the uterus.
Fertilization - Process of conception in which the sperm penetrates the egg (ovum).
Gametes - Sperm or ovum (egg); the cells of reproduction.
In Vitro - Inside a test tube.
Infertility - The inability to produce children.
Intrauterine - Within the cavity of the uterus.
IVF (In vitro fertilization) - The process by which the egg is fertilized outside the body, then transferred into the woman's uterus.
Pregnancy - Growth of an embryo/fetus in the uterus.
Semen - Thick, whitish fluid containing sperms that is discharged through the penis during ejaculation.
Sperm - Male reproductive cells produced by the testes and transported in the semen; spermatozoa.
Urethra - The tube through which urine leaves the body. It empties urine from the bladder.
Vagina - The passage (birth canal) connecting the female external genitalia with the uterus.
Vasectomy - An operation to cut or tie off the two tubes that carry sperm out of the testicles.