
Birth Control Pills - Mini Pills

Mini Pills or Mini Birth Control / Oral Contraceptive Pills

Mini Pills contain only a single hormone Progesterone and lack Estrogen.. They are available in the form of a 28-day pack similar to that of the combined Pills but devoid of the spacer pills. They are 87-99.7% effective.

Mild side effects such as irregular bleeding, mood changes, and headaches are witnessed among few women. It is not recommended to those people who have a previous history of depression and breast cancer. Continuous use increases the risk of developing ovarian cysts and ectopic pregnancy but reduces the risk of endometrial cancer and pelvic inflammatory disease. It results in decreased menstrual cramping, pain, lighter periods, and prevents anemia.

Mini pills thicken the cervical mucus thereby preventing the entry of the sperms. They may also prevent the transportation of the egg from the ovary to the uterus.

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