Cancer Immunotherapy

Cancer Immunotherapy - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Whom do you consult to get treated with immunotherapy for cancer?

A: An oncologist would be the person to consult. A secondary specialist would also have to be consulted depending on the type of cancer.


Q: How are the actions of immunotherapy and chemotherapy different?

A: Chemotherapy acts only as long as the drug remains in the body. Immunotherapy has a long-term protection as the immune cells remember the cancer cells and act on them even after the treatment has stopped.

Q: Can immunotherapy be combined with other cancer treatments?

A: Yes, it can. It can be combined with chemotherapy and / or radiation depending on the individual’s respons

Q: Is immunotherapy the future of cancer treatment?

A: Going by the advancements made by immunotherapy research over the past decade, it can be expected that new avenues in immunotherapy will definitely unfold itself.
