
Clinical Trials - Statistics

Clinical Trials - Statistics

  • In a study done by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) shows that clinical trials in India in 2002 generated $70 million in revenue and it predicts that it would grow to $200 million by 2007 and anywhere between $500 million and $1 billion by 2010.
  • India's Pharmaceutical market is the second largest in Asia , growing by more than 9% annually.
  • The Indian Pharmaceutical industry is estimated at US $5.40 billion and projected to grow up to US$ 7.40 billion.
  • Analysts are projecting that total Clinical Research spending in India will increase by more than 30% annually.
  • The Clinical Research industry in India has grown from Rs.20 crores to Rs.100 crores over the past three years and according to a recent McKinsey report, it is expected to touch 5000 crores by 2010.
