
Clinical Trials - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will everyone know my details ?

A: No, The trial reports never have any patients names or other details that could identify you. The data is maintained strictly confidential.


Q: What are the Benefits and Risks of Participating in Clinical Trials?

A:  According to the type and purpose of the trial, the benefits and risks vary significantly.

Possible Benefits of Trials

Possible Risks of Trials

Access to currently available therapies that could be potentially more effective compared to already available therapies.

There might be a possibility of participants receiving a placebo/inactive pill in certain types of trials.

Opportunity to be treated by the best doctors in the field.

In comparison to the standard therapies available, the new therapy may be less effective.

Continuously being monitored during the various stages of the trial for possible side effects.

Participating in a Phase I trial might involve more risks when compared to Phase III trials due to lack of knowledge of the new treatment/drug side effects.

In some trials participants could receive laboratory investigations as well as new treatment/drugs free of cost.

These may be certain areas of the clinical trial that may not be covered by insurance companies.

Contributing to society by helping to further new research that could result in significant medical advances.

Q: Can I be withdrawn from the study at any point of time?

A: Yes, the investigator in charge of the study can remove a participant from the study, without requiring the consent of the participant.

Q: Would I receive any compensation if I participate in a trial?

A: The cost of all investigations/tests required as part of the study will be provided to the participant free of cost. In most cases, travel expenses to and from the study center will be provided.

Q: Would I receive any medical compensation in case of an adverse event?

A: In case of any injury, medical reimbursement will be provided by the Company conducting the trial.
