Q: How different are COX–2 Inhibitors from traditional pain relievers (NSAID’s)?
A: COX–2 Inhibitors selectively block COX–2 enzyme receptors located at the site of inflammation, without interfering with the gastrointestinal tract. With this selective inhibition by COX–2 Inhibitors, usual side effects experienced with NSAID’s like gastric ulcers, bleeding and obstruction can be avoided.
Q: Are COX–2 Inhibitors safe to use?
A: Yes. They are safer to use in patients who are prone to develop ulcer, bleeding or other gastrointestinal symptoms.
Q: COX–2 Inhibitors are commonly used for which conditions?
A: Most commonly they are used to manage pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis and post- operative pain. COX–2 Inhibitors are preferred in patients who are prone to develop gastrointestinal symptoms.
Q: What precautions need to be followed while taking COX—2 Inhibitors for long periods of time?
A: Regular monitoring of blood pressure, liver and kidney function tests and coagulation profile are necessary while consuming COX-2 Inhibitors for long periods of time. Consumption of alcohol should be limited or avoided to minimize the severity of side effects experienced with the use of COX–2 Inhibitors.