External Beam Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

External Beam Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult?

A: Your treating Urologist will refer it to an Onco-Surgeon, who will redirect you to a radiation oncologist for receiving EBRT.


Q: Can I choose a particular EBRT among the options?

A: It is always preferable to consult a Radiation oncologist for choosing radiation therapy. However, you must discuss cost and time constraints with the doctor while choosing the most appropriate therapy. The treatment is likely to last for a few weeks hence you should also discuss the time of the day that is convenient for the treatment.

Q: Can surgery or repeat radiation therapy be done even if I choose to treat my cancer with EBRT first?

A: It is not recommended due to high risk of severe complications. Patients in whom radiation therapy fails are treated with systemic chemotherapy under close surveillance.

Q: What kind of follow-up is required?

A: You may be asked to revisit Radiation oncologist after 2-8 weeks of last session of radiotherapy. After that, you have to be followed up by the Urologist every three to six months. PSA’s will be done routinely with other tests as and when required.
