General Anesthesia

General Anesthesia - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor willadminister general anesthesia before surgery?

A: Anesthesiologist will administer General anesthesia beforethe concerned operation


Q: What do I need to knowabout general anesthesia?

A: General anesthesia usually acts on the brainleading to overall relaxation of the body. Anesthetic drugs will either begiven through an intravenous line which will be put just before you’re taken for surgery or through inhalation i.e by breathing in theanesthetic gases.

Q: Would I feel any pain during surgery with General anesthesia?

A: No, you will not feel any pain during the entire surgery.

Q: How do I prepare for general anesthesia?


  • The consulting Anesthesiologist or the ward nurse will inform you of certain steps that you might need to perform the night before or early on the day of surgery
  • They will tell you to stop having food and water for a couple of hours before surgery
  • They will probably advice you to stay calm
  • They will probably want a close family friend or someone to help you relax and drive you home after the surgery.

Q: Who will be taking care of me while I’m under general anesthesia?

A: Individuals receiving Anesthesia will be under the total care of the anesthesiologist who will be constantly monitoring your vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, ventilation etc.
