Q: Which doctor should I consult for malaria?
A: You should consult a doctor specializing in General Medicine who might put you in touch with a Tropical Medicine specialist, if required.
Q: How does malaria spread?
A: Malaria is spread by the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes.
Q: How is malaria diagnosed?
A: Malaria is diagnosed by a blood test in which a blood film is made on a microscopic glass slide and the malarial parasites are observed under a microscope.
Q: How can I use larvivorous fish effectively for biological control?
A: Larvivorous fish such as guppy and gambusia can be introduced into ponds near your home for effective biological control.
Q: How can I prevent mosquito larva growth in my cooler?
A: You can add a little kerosene to the water tray which will form a thin film of the surface and prevent the larvae from breathing, thereby killing them.