
Lower Cholesterol Levels with Lifestyle Changes

Lower Cholesterol Levels with Lifestyle Changes

Cholesterol issues, if not hereditary, are certainly associated with poor dietary and lifestyle habits.

Remove the main cause of high cholesterol by switching to healthy food. Avoid fatty foods and fried foods. Butter, cream, clarified butter (ghee), and cheese can raise cholesterol levels – keep their consumption to a minimum. Processed foods such as white flour, pastries, biscuits, and even ice cream tend to increase LDL cholesterol -- so do non-vegetarian foods such as meat and poultry. Consume milk and milk products in moderation, as they too are responsible for high cholesterol. Oatmeal and whole grain cereals such as brown rice and whole wheat flour help reduce LDL and help you feel fuller because of fiber and complex carbohydrates in them.

Studies have shown that 30 minutes of physical activity, five days a week, can help lower LDL and improve HDL cholesterol. But the more exercise the better for cholesterol! If you are into vigorous exercise such as jogging, even 20 minutes of exercise, three times a week is sufficient. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. House work such as cleaning and gardening too, count as cardiovascular activities to reduce cholesterol.


Chronic stress raises blood pressure and increases the risk of plaque formation due to cholesterol build up. In a research paper published in the Lancet, Paul J Rosch confirmed that ‘stress has a far greater effect on cholesterol and coronary disease than fat intake’. Reduce your stress levels with relaxation therapies, meditation, and breathing exercises. Padmasana and salabhasana are two examples of many yogasanas that help lower cholesterol levels.

Lose weight, especially belly fat, if you are obese or overweight. Obesity increases the risk of high cholesterol and diabetes.

Quit smoking and if you drink, do so in moderation. The American Heart Association warns that ‘smoking lowers HDL cholesterol and increases the tendency for blood to clot’. If you drink, restrict your intake to 1 to 2 drinks per day if you are a man and 1 drink per day if you are a woman.


Certain home remedies may prove beneficial in lowering cholesterol:

  • Boost HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol by regularly consuming juice from half a raw onion.
  • Boil 10 pieces of 2.5 cm long cinnamon sticks in 5 cups of water. Add a tablespoon of honey and drink this when it is hot.
  • Blend 5 to 6 large cloves of garlic in one-and-a-half cups of water at room temperature. Drink a tablespoon every night before going to bed.
  • Take half a cup juice each of garlic, lemon, ginger and apple cider. Boil till it is reduced to 1 cup. Store it in the fridge. Take 1 tsp of the liquid with 1 tsp of honey once every 3 days in the morning for a week. After a week, increase the dose to once every 2 days.
  • Blend a few curry leaves in 2 cups of buttermilk and drink it first thing in the morning for 2 weeks. It helps lower cholesterol and reduces blood sugar as well.

Please note that home remedies are unsubstantiated by research studies. Don’t try a remedy if you are allergic to the ingredients present in it. Some ingredients may react with the medication you may be taking, so consult your health care provider before using any of it

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