
Physiotherapy - Branches

Branches of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a complex speciality, as it deals with all disciplines of medicine. Development in this field has resulted in a variety of sub-specialization.

1. Musculo-skeletal physiotherapy

The Musculo - Skeletal Physiotherapy is a branch, where application of physiotherapy is involved in the treatment of physical ailments concerned with structures surrounding the joint region such as Bones, Muscles, Ligaments and Bursa

Some of the conditions dealt in this branch are:

  • Muscle pain, strain
  • Muscle tear
  • Joint stiffness
  • Fractures
  • Ligament strain, sprain, tear Inability to walk
  • Inflammation of tendons and bursa
  • Joint pain , poor posture
  • Joint inflammation in case of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis

2. Cardio-Thoracic Physiotherapy:

Cardio - Thoracic Physiotherapy, is concerned with the care of physical fitness of the heart and lungs. This treatment specializes in clearing away any chest secretions so as to enable an help an individual to breath more normally and help in adequate oxygen supply to the healing wound and the body.

Some of the conditions treated under this branch are :

  • Asthma
  • Increased chest secretions
  • Other respiratory infections and conditions
  • Any General surgery like
  • Appendicectom
  • Before and after Heart surgery
  • Before and after the Lung surgery
  • Intensive care unit care

3. Neurological Physiotherapy

Neurological Physiotherapy is concerned with the treatment arising from the problems in brain, Nerves of the brain, Spinal cord and nerves of the spinal cord.

some of the conditions are:

  • Stroke
  • Paralysis
  • Balance disorder
  • Spinal cord injury
  • After a brain surgery
  • All nerve injuries.

4 . Physiotherapy in Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation goes hand in hand. Rehabilitation is nothing but bringing back a physically disabled individual to near normal condition by using his maximum existing capacities. Rehabilitation in physiotherapy involves training and retraining of physical activity in a physically disabled individual.


Different types of rehabilitation where physiotherapy is involved:

  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Geriatric/Old age Rehabilitation
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Amputee (person who has lost the limb) Rehabilitation

5.Physiotherapy in Obstetrics

Physiotherapy in obstetrics is concerned with postural care and physical fitness of women during pregnancy and after child birth.

6.Sports Physiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy is specialized for sports persons. Guidance in sport activities like techniques of warming up period, cooling down period, guidance in lifting techniques and also treatment of sport injuries are dealt.

Some of the conditions under this are:

  1. Any Muscle spasm (pain and tightness of muscle)
  2. Muscle strain
  3. Ligament sprain, tear
  4. All other sport injury

7.Physiotherapy in fitness and postural care

This branch is concerned with guidance and care for physical fitness, good postural care and Body muscle built.

Some of the conditions dealt are:

  1. Obesity/ Over weight
  2. Poor Posture (Hunch back)
  3. Good muscle built

8.Paediatric Physiotherapy

This branch of physiotherapy treatment is for the children born with physical disabilities and also for the children undergoing any surgery, requiring physiotherapy care are dealt here.

Some of the conditions dealt here are:

  1. Club foot Before and after a surgery (In case of congenital heart disease)
  2. Respiratory infections
  3. Fractures in children
  4. Cerebral palsy (brain disorder affecting movement)











