
Physiotherapy - Treatment methods

Different treatment methods in Physiotherapy

There are potentially three different methods of treatment in physiotherapy. These treatments are often not only used as compliments to each other but individually as well. This is based on the effect of treatment on a physical disability.

  •  The three methods of Physiotherapy treatment, include-
  •  Physiotherapy in conjunction with medical treatment
  •  Physiotherapy in conjunction with surgical treatment
  •  Isolated Physiotherapy.

1. Physiotherapy in Conjunction with Medical Treatment

This method uses a combination of Physiotherapy and drugs to relieve the individual's physical problems.

Interferential Therapy: Mrs Sharon Ganesh, a 32 year old teacher was having persistent shoulder pain, she visited her doctor who felt the pain was due to muscular strain. She was given analgesics and a muscle relaxant ointment. However there was no relief for two weeks. She then went and saw an orthopaedic doctor, who suggested that she should have physiotherapy. She had 6 sessions of Interferential therapy along with the analgesics and the pain was totally relieved.

Short wave diathermy: Mrs. Raj, a 43 years old housewife was suffering from back pain. She consulted an orthopaedic doctor, who after diagnosis, said that the pain was due to over work and strain and suggested to undergo physiotherapy along with analgesics and muscle relaxant. She sat for 3 sessions of Short-wave diathermy along with the drugs and was relieved from her pain.


2. Physiotherapy in Conjunction with Surgical Treatment :

Physiotherapy care before and after surgery is combined with the surgical procedure for an effective treatment

Breathing exercises before and after surgery : Mr. Ravi, 58 years old and retired, suffered from chest pain due to block in the blood vessels of the heart, he was to undergo a heart surgery. The chest surgery for the heart, can lead to chest congestion and breathing difficulties in the early post operative periods .This is caused due to the general anaesthesia and the muscle relaxant drugs that are used to paralyses a patient. Surgical wounds can also be painful. To diminish the pain, the patient `s chest movements are diminished involuntarily. This leads to less movement of chest in his early post-operative period and causes further chest congestion. Chest physiotherapy in the form of breathing exercises are generally started before the such surgery and continued almost immediately after the operation to prevent chest congestion that can lead to breathing problems and lung infections.

Gait training after surgery: Mr. Aravind Shah 37 years, working as a Marketing manager, met with a road traffic accident and got his left leg crushed. As his leg was badly injured , he underwent a surgery and his crushed leg was removed. Physiotherapy is required after the surgery to rehabilitate such a patient. Physiotherapy helps him in training to walk independently with the use of an artificial leg that is fitted.


3. Isolated Physiotherapy :

Sometimes physiotherapy treatment alone is sufficient to treat a Physical problem effectively.

Postural exercises : Ms. Preethi, a 13 year old student, who had been carrying a heavy load of books to school, suffered from back pain and had hunch-back. She was taken to a physiotherapist, and was advised to do a set of postural exercises. She was also prescribed to use support pads for the back till the time she got better.

Cryotherapy: Mrs. Usha Jha, and old woman of 75 years, was bed-ridden for the past 5 years due to paralysis of leg. This resulted in Bed sores. She was given Cryotherapy (ice application), and the sores slowly healed.











