Functional Electrical Stimulation (F.E.S)
This kind of physiotherapy treatment involves use of low frequency cureent. Electrical stimulation is used to activate and train a muscle, which has lost its action or in training a muscle which has lost or 'forgotten' its action after an injury / surgery.
Modified Galvanic Current
In this treatment method the duration of current flow is long and continuous.
- Time duration - 10 - 200 milliseconds
- Frequency - 50 - 100 pulses/sec.
- Used in cases of severe nerve damage
Surged Faradic Current
- Shorter duration and intermittent flow of current
- Time duration - .01-1 millisecond
- Frequency - 50 cycles per/sec. Used in cases of partial nerve damage or nerve compression
Where useful?
- All Nerve injuries (like Radial nerve Injury of the arm or hand)
- Muscle weakness (To activate the muscle)
- Facial nerve Injury
Where should it not be used?
Individuals who have
- Recent cuts
- Open wounds
- Unhealed scars
- Recent fracture
- Metal plate fixation in their Body
- Skin infections
- Recent surgery