Dental / Tooth Extraction

Dental | Tooth Extraction - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for tooth extraction?

A: You can consult a general dentist or an oral surgeon for tooth extraction.


Q: Can a dentist extract an infected tooth?

A: The dentist usually prescribes antibiotics and analgesics and in severe infections, they drain the abscess to get rid of infection. Dentist resorts to extraction only after the infection subsumes to avoid the infection spreading to other sites in oral cavity.

Q: Which is the most difficult tooth to extract?

A: Lower back teeth are difficult to extract in patient's point of view as it requires intravenous injection that may be painful whereas it will be quite easy for dental surgeon to extract than maxillary teeth as alveolus is little brittle compared to maxilla.

Q: How long will it take to recover from tooth extraction?

A: Tooth extraction usually takes 1 to 2 weeks to heal completely and if it prolongs you have to consult the dentist.

Q: What will be the cost of dental extraction?

A: The number of teeth to be extracted, type of extraction, and the type of sedation requirement used would determine the treatment cost.
