Top 10 Foods for Decreasing DHT Production and Preventing Hair Fall

Top 10 Foods for Decreasing DHT Production and Preventing Hair Fall - Glossary


DHT (Dihydrotestosterone): DHT is a male hormone that is suggested to be the main cause for the miniaturisation of the hair follicle and for hair loss. DHT is formed when the male hormone testosterone interacts with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase

Antioxidant: Prevents oxidation (combining with oxygen). Anti- oxidant substances include superoxide dismutase, selenium, vitamin C and E, and zinc

Cholesterol: A fat-like substance found in blood, muscle, liver, brain, and other tissues in people and animals. The body makes and needs some cholesterol. Too much cholesterol, however, may cause fat to build up in the artery walls and cause a disease that slows or stops the flow of blood. Butter and egg yolks are foods that have a lot of cholesterol