Top 10 Foods for Decreasing DHT Production and Preventing Hair Fall

Top 10 Foods for Decreasing DHT Production and Preventing Hair Fall


DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is one of the most potent steroid hormones among other male hormones or androgens synthesized in the body and is responsible for facial, pubic, body hair growth as well as growth of the prostate gland. It is produced mainly in the liver and exerts its influence on peripheral body cells(1 Trusted Source
Biochemistry, Dihydrotestosterone

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The Fate of DHT in the Body

Cholesterol is responsible for the synthesis of DHT in our body. Cholesterol is converted to DHT in the target tissues due to the action of the enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. Excess intake of cholesterol in our diet can lead to increased production of testosterone and DHT in the presence of enzymes.

DHT (dihydrotestosterone): What is DHT Hormone's Role in Baldness?

DHT attaches itself to the androgen sensitive receptors within the hair follicles on the scalp shortening the hair cycle and shrinking the hair follicles. This leads to delay in growth of new hair shafts and also hair thinning. DHT is metabolized in the liver by the enzyme 3-alpha hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase giving rise to inactive metabolites which are excreted through the urine(1 Trusted Source
Biochemistry, Dihydrotestosterone

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Foods Known to Decrease DHT Production and Decrease Hair fall

Certain foods when added to our regular consumption possess the ability to control DHT production in the body thus arresting hair loss issues. Several foods contain nutrients which play a crucial role in blocking the action of DHT producing enzymes.

Foods that Block DHT (dihydrotestosterone) Production and Fight Hair Loss


Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a carotenoid which blocks the production of DHT by inhibiting the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. The antioxidants present in tomatoes protect the hair follicles against cellular damage by free radicals. A study showed that tomato extracts increased presence of hair growth promoting factors and was as effective as 3% minoxidil(2 Trusted Source
Effects of Lycopersicon esculentum extract on hair growth and alopecia prevention

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Watermelon contains a nutrient called citrulline which helps in the synthesis of arginine, an amino acid which improves blood circulation to the finer tissues of the body such as hair follicles(3 Trusted Source
How to Get Better Hair and Skin with Watermelon

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). It also is a good source of Vitamin C which helps in collagen production, which comprise the main component of hair shafts.


Avocado is a strong DHT blocker since it’s a good source of DHT blocking nutrients such as folic acid, copper, niacin and pyridoxine. The fatty acids found in avocado protects the hair cuticles by nourishing them.


Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidant compound such as EGCG called epigallocatechin-3-gallate which has a strong DHT blocking action and studies have shown that regular intake for 6 months has shown good hair growth(4 Trusted Source
Green Tea Against Hair Loss?

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Coconut Oil

The most common oil used for application on the scalp for improving hair health. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which is main component responsible for blocking the action of DHT on the scalp. It also helps to reduce the levels of DHT in the scalp region.



Almonds are a good source of L-lysine. Studies have shown that lysine is an amino acid which is useful in the production of collagen since it helps in the absorption of calcium. Almonds are also a rich source of Vitamin E which helps in moisturizing the hair strands.

Black Grapes

Black grapes are rich in antioxidants such as oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) which has shown in studies to interfere with DHT production and also promote growth of new hair follicles on the scalp(5 Trusted Source
Proanthocyanidins from Grape Seeds Promote Proliferation of Mouse Hair Follicle Cells Invitro and Convert Hair Cycle In vivo

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Spinach / Kale

Green leafy veggies such as spinach, kale has good amount of quercetin in them which is good for blocking the action of DHT producing enzymes. It is also contains phytosterols which reduces the areas of hair follicles on the scalp where DHT can attach itself.


Broccoli includes sulphoraphane, a sulphur containing nutrient which has shown in studies among mice that sulphoraphane treatment increases hair generation and DHT degrading enzymes(6 Trusted Source
Sulforaphane promotes murine hair growth by accelerating the degradation of dihydrotestosterone

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Edamame beans are young soyabean pods which are rich in isoflavones, a class of antioxidant nutrients which possess strong capacity in blocking action of DHT producing enzyme. They are usually consumed as an evening snack or appetizer.
