Zinc: The Hero of Immunity and Wound Healing

Zinc: The Hero of Immunity and Wound Healing

FAQs on Zinc: The Hero of Immunity and Wound Healing

1.What are the best food sources of zinc?

Meat, fish, seafood, nuts, seeds, and dairy products are excellent sources of zinc.

2. How much zinc do I need daily?

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for zinc is 11 mg for men and 8 mg for women.

3. Can I take too much zinc?

Yes, excessive zinc intake can lead to toxicity, causing nausea, vomiting, and even immune system suppression.

4. How does zinc benefit skin health?

Zinc helps with collagen synthesis, reduces inflammation, and supports cell repair, making it crucial for healthy skin.

5. Are zinc supplements effective during a cold?

Yes, zinc lozenges can reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms if taken early in the illness.
