Acu-yoga is an attempt to blend acupressure principles with yoga to heal mind and body and liberate our soul. It helps to heal and stimulate the body's natural defense mechanism.
To practice Acu-Yoga one can also learn many asana or yoga exercises for e.g Mudras, Janushirsana, Neck roll.
Surya Namaskar literally means 'Sun worship'. The postures in this form of Yoga help in stimulating acupressure points also. Hence the benefits are double fold.The pressure points stimulated are at the palm, feet and calf muscles.
These postures provide elasticity to the spine reduces the abdominal fat, improves the lung capacity and digestion.
Surya Namaskar
There are asanas, which activate certain points to create subtle healing energy circuits. For example, in Janushirsasana the hands activate the foot and kidney meridians by pressing the under part of the foot and third eye acu-point. This asana benefits the practitioners immensely as it brings mental peace, which in turn awards good health.