Eye rotation
- Keep the eyes open.
- Lift your eyes up and then lower them.
- Continue to do this 10- 12 times without blinking. The movements of the eyes should be steady and relaxed.
Trataka (gazing)
This technique is capable of obliterating the diseases of the eye. This kriya also improves vision, aids in concentration and purifies the mind.
- Sit on the floor in a comfortable position with the spine erect.
- Keep the eyes open and fix your gaze on any object like a candle or a picture of 'Om'.
- Without blinking, gaze steadily at the object till tears flow from the eyes. Do not strain the eyes and breathe deeply.
Pranayama and Meditation
After Trataka, one can try to concentrate on the tip of the nose or on the point between the eyebrows. The point between the eyebrows is called the third eye center or ajna chakra. According to yogis, concentrating on this chakra prepares the mind for meditation.
The period of meditation is preceded by pranayama. This means simple breathing exercises that involve drawing in the breath to a count of 4, holding the breath to a count of 4 and releasing the breath to a count of 4, which marks as one practice; 4:4:4 is the ratio to be maintained for this breathing exercise.
Inhalation- 4 counts
Retention- 4 counts
Exhalation-4 counts
After pranayama, one can start to meditate on the divine within. Restless thoughts must be gently pushed away; concentration on the sound of 'Om' produces peace and tranquility in the mind of the practitioner.
Submitted by : Mrs.Uma
Edited by : Mrs. Savitha