
Kundalini Yoga / Types of Yoga

"The practice of Kundalini yoga balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system and enables us harness the energy of the mind and the emotions, so we can be in control of ourselves, rather than being controlled by our thoughts and feelings." – Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini yoga is the yoga of consciousness. Kundalini is the dormant, spiritual energy that lies coiled up like a serpent, at the base of our spine. It is the energy of consciousness, within each human being. Kundalini yoga awakens our soul and is a profound inner experience.

Kundalini is the storehouse of psychic energy. This energy has to be awakened, as it is an essential part of self-realization. When awakened, this Shakti (energy) uncoils and ascends the spinal column, also called 'Sushumna', to merge with the top of the head 'Sahasrara'. This is the spiritual state. The ultimate goal of yoga is the awakening of this energy such that it merges with the absolute.


Prayer to Goddess Kundalini in the words of Swami Sivananda

"O Divine Mother Kundalini, the divine cosmic energy that is hidden in men! Thou art Kali, Durga, Adhisakthi, Rajarajeshwari, Tripurasundari, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati! Thou hast put on all these names and forms. Thou hast manifested as prana, electricity, force, magnetism, cohesion, gravitation in this universe. This whole universe rests in thy bosom. Crores of salutations unto thee, O mother of this world! Lead me on to open the Sushumna nadi and take thee along the chakras to Sahasrara chakra and to merge myself in thee and thy consort, Lord Siva."


Prerequisites An aspirant who wishes to awaken the energy of kundalini should indulge in self-introspection and ensure that the mind is focused. The aspirant must possess all the sattwic qualities. Satsanga, seclusion, diet control, good manners, good character, determination, perseverance etc. form the strong foundation of yogic life. Regular exercise, high quality food, regular sleep patterns, healthy relationships with other people are other habits that an aspirant must maintain.


Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

  • It keeps the body and mind strong
  • It increases oxygen capacity
  • It helps to boost the flow of blood
  • It balances the glandular system
  • It strengthens the nervous system
  • It creates self-awareness and vitality that helps gain mental and emotional energy;
    Ultimately peace of mind, concentration, deep inner calm and self-confidence fills the being.











