
The Seven Chakras

7. Seventh Energy Center - Sahasrara Chakra

The Sahasrara Chakra or The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, is the ultimate destination of the soul. Endowed with an all pervading silence and bliss, this energy center bestows understanding, devotion, and inspiration on the being.

When this center is open, the person experiences spirituality, and a state of transcendence. A well-balanced Sahasrara Chakra manifests itself as attributes of self-knowledge, wisdom and illumination.

When the energy flow faces impediments, the person is full of intellectual pride, vanity, and ego.


Highlights of Sahasrara Chakra

  • It has 1000 petals.
  • It radiates the color yellow, gold.
  • Parts of the body the affect this chakra are pineal, cerebral cortex, nervous system.
  • Gemstones that affect this chakra are yellow diamond, yellow sapphire, and topaz
